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  • 讲座|1106|Philipsen:The "More Economic Approach" in EU Competition Law: Lessons for China?



    主题:The "More Economic Approach" in EU Competition Law: Lessons for China?

    主讲:Prof. Niels J. Philipsen(荷兰马斯特里赫特大学pc大神28预测吧教授、跨国法律研究所[METRO]副主任)

    主持:吴   韬(pc大神28预测吧教授)

    评议:薛   强(美国众达律师事务所律师、资深顾问)





    主讲人简介:Prof. Niels J. Philipsen is a Senior Research Fellow and Vice-Director of the Maastricht Institute for Transnational Legal Research at Maastricht University(METRO). In his academic research, Prof. Philipsen focuses on the economic analysis of law, notably in torts and insurance, Competition Law, and the regulation of professions. He has also conducted and managed research for the OECD, the European Commission, Dutch ministries, the British Department of Trade and Industry and others. Prof. Philipsen has taught and conducted research at various universities in China and the U.S. including Peking University, the China University of Political Science and Law, Shandong University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
