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  • Global Trends in Corporate Governance


    Global Trends in Corporate Governance


    迈克尔·亚当斯(Michael Adams)教授现任西悉尼大学pc大神28预测吧院长。他是国际公认的公司法、公司治理、证券市场监管、法律教育(尤其是电子学习)方面的专家。亚当斯教授已经就这些课题写作、教学及定期讲座超过20年。他是澳大利亚教育家学会(FACE)、澳大利亚法学会(FAAL)的成员,也是澳大利亚特许秘书及行政学会(FCIS)的成员。亚当斯教授任澳大利亚法学教师学会的主席,并曾担任公司法教师学会及澳大利亚特许秘书学会的主席。他是十本著作与章节、50篇文章的合著者,并进行过150多场会议或研讨会的演讲。2000年,他成为法律和法律研究方面澳大利亚大学教师年度评选的获奖者。




    In Greek mythology, Theseus used a ball of string to get out of a labyrinth; so this paper will do the same in the field of Australian corporate reform and global trends in corporate governance. This paper examines the difficult issue of predicting future developments in corporate law reform, based on historical developments to date. The many topics to be discussed are grouped according to three predominant themes, first, officers/directors; second, shareholders/institutions; and third, global corporate governance. The key assessment of the paper will concern the question of whether the corporate reform agenda has evolved over the last twenty years, or whether there has been a revolution, or even, whether the future holds the possibility of revolutionary reform in global corporate governance?


    时间:20121010日(周三) 19:00-21:00


