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  • 美国密苏里大学pc大神28预测吧Randolph教授应邀莅临我校发表题为美国房地产法律规制的演讲

          2006年11月22日(星期三)下午3:30,美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城pc大神28预测吧(UMKC)教授Patrick Randolph博士应我院邀请,在主教学楼206教室发表了题为<<美国房地产法律规制>>的演讲。演讲由pc大神28预测吧法律与经济国际研究中心研究员邵伊晴博士主持。
          Patrick Randolph博士在演讲中通过Link诉Neighbour案等生动案例,着重讲述了美国不动产所有权的历史沿革、美国政府在保护不动产中的作用以及美国法律对不动产的限制(登记制度、对涉罪财产的没收、对交易的限制)三方面的内容。
      我院于去年与美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城pc大神28预测吧(UMKC)建立了友好合作关系,Patrick Randolph博士曾于今年率领二十余人的密大pc大神28预测吧暑期中国法项目师生访问团来我院访问交流。


        Interviews for International LL.M. Scholarshipat UMKC School of Law

    UMKC School of Law has a long established relationship with China and Chinese Law Schools, and has been inviting Chinese students to study law in Kansas City for more than a decade.  We are bringing Chinese students here to broaden the perspective of our American students and faculty, and to bring about better preparation for the future worldwide marketplace, in which American and Chinese lawyers must cooperate.  We are not interested in making a lot of money from Chinese student tuition.

    Therefore, UMKC Law School offers a Generous Scholarship Program for LLM students.  We will offer as many as fifteen partial scholarships, to reduce the already low cost of our high quality LLM program.

    One hundred percent of the LLM graduates from UMKC who have taken the New York Bar have passed.  

    The statement set forth at
    will give you complete information about the LL.M. program at UMKC School of Law.  At that website, you can watch an interview (in Chinese) with two of our current LLM candidates concerning their experiences studying in America and their experience at UMKC.  

    An interview is required to qualify for admission and scholarship. Interviews will occur in late November and December of 2006, and, if positions remain open, additional interviews may occur in March of 2007.
    Professor Patrick Randolph, director of the Chinese programs at UMKC School of Law, and director of the Peking University Center for Real Estate Law, will conduct interviews for the programs. Please contact Nancy Kunkel, Program Coordinator, via email at kunkeln@umkc.edu to arrange an appointment. Mrs. Kunkel’s telephone number is (816) 235-1647 and her fax number is (816) 235-5276.