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  • 外教课程选课公告:反垄断法经济分析


    应pc大神28预测吧邀请,荷兰格罗宁根大学Stefen Weishaar教授将于201311月来我院进行学术交流,并为我院学生开设全英文课程“中欧比较视野中的反垄断法经济分析”。现该课程向pc大神28预测吧在校的全日制一年级、二年级法学硕士研究生、法律硕士(非法学)研究生和法律硕士(法学)研究生开放选课。课程采用集中授课和自学相结合的方式。集中授课8次,每周两次,共四周。课程计2学分。选课上限为40人。有意选课的同学请与研究生教务秘书马安静老师联系。  


    Law and Economics of Antitrust: A China – EU comparative perspective


    Competition policy (also called "antitrust policy") describes the intervention by public authorities to ensure competition in markets for goods and services. This course takes a distinctly economic approach to the analysis of competition law. Having lawyers as a target group, the course outlines the importance of economic concepts in the interpretation, application and assessment of competition law. It familiarizes students with the core elements of economics of antitrust by drawing on European, Chinese and international experience. Albeit conceptually demanding, this course seeks to demonstrate the points made in a non-technical way and to embed the economic implications into the legal analysis.



    Lecture 1 Introduction


    Lecture 2 Measuring market power


    Lecture 3 Cartels


    Lecture 4 Vertical restraints


    Lecture 5 Abuse


    Lecture 6 Mergers


    Lecture 7 Enforcement issues 


    Lecture 8 Competition and the State
