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  • 美国内华达碳银行董事长William D. Mccann先生来我校发表精彩演讲

          2007年12月6日,应我院邀请,美国内华达碳银行(Carbon Bank of Nevada)董事长、资深律师William D. Mccann先生到我校做了题为《温室气体交易:二氧化碳排放交易——进程碑和神话》(Trading Thin Air: Carbon Emissions Trading—— Milestones and Mythologies的精彩演讲。演讲开始前,我院院长郭锋教授在会议室热情地接待了来访客人,双方就环境法理论研究的合作事宜达成了初步意向,我院环境资源法教研室朱家贤副教授参加了会见。
           随着工业的快速发展,以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体大量排放,使地球温度提高,水平面上升,严重威胁到了人类的生存环境。建立在科斯产权定理上的“排放权交易”理论,为联合国《京都议定书》(2005年2月16日正式生效)所采纳,建立了全球范围内强制性的温室气体排放交易体系,具体包括联合执行机制(JI)、国际排放量交易(IET)和清洁发展机制(CDM)三种机制。其中与中国等发展中国家相关的是CDM机制。所谓清洁发展机制(CDM,Clean Development Mechanism),是指《联合国气候变化框架公约》附件1缔约方通过在非附件1缔约方投资温室气体减排项目,获得经核证的温室气体减排额(Certified Emission Reductions,CERs),并以此抵消其依据《京都议定书》所应承担的部分温室气体减排承诺。
           William D. Mccann先生的演讲除了给同学们介绍以上背景外,还深入分析了中国CDM的执行机制、中国《能源法》的制订、美国以芝加哥气候交易所(CCX)为代表的自愿减排体系、美国政府对《京都议定书》的态度与立场、京都机制将来的发展趋势等。William D. Mccann先生的演讲展现了国际环境法最前沿的发展动态,以及最新鲜的环境金融领域的实践知识。通过这次演讲,学生们初次认识到排污权的可交易性,并对相关的金融衍生产品、国外交易市场产生了极大的兴趣。这次演讲由pc大神28预测吧朱家贤副教授协助翻译、点评。
           William D. Mccann先生1968年毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校,获文字学士学位;1971年毕业于美国加州大学,获法学博士学位。曾任美国总统法律顾问、Mount Diablo National Bank的创始人、Carbon Bank of Nevada的董事长及执行总裁。
           On 6 December 2007, invited by law school, Mr. William D. Mccann, chief executive officer of Carbon Bank of Nevada and prestigious lawyer, gave a wonderful speech in Central University of Finance and Economics, titled as Trading Thin Air: Carbon Emissions Trading—— Milestones and Mythologies.
           A century and a half of industrialization, with the burning of ever-greater quantities of oil, gasoline, and coal, the cutting of forests, and the practice of certain farming methods, has increased the amount of "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere, which causes the global warming. The adoption of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 was a major step forward in tackling the problem of global warming. After that, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted at the third Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 3) on 11 December 1997. The Protocol developed three innovative mechanisms - known as Emissions Trading, Joint Implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). These so-called “market-based mechanisms” allow developed Parties to earn and trade emissions credits through projects implemented either in other developed countries or in developing countries, which they can use towards meeting their commitments. Developing nations benefit in terms of technology transfer and investment brought about through collaboration with industrialized nations under the CDM. Following ratification by Russia, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 16 February 2005.
           Besides the background introduction mentioned above, Mr. William D. Mccann analyzed in depth the CDM operation mechanism in China, the draft of Chinese Energy law, the voluntary emission reduction system such as Chicago Climate Exchange, American government’s attitude on Kyoto Protocol and the tendency of global emission reduction system. Mr. William D. Mccann’s speech presents the latest development of international environmental law and the updated practical knowledge of environmental finance. Through this speech, most students first touch the knowledge of pollution discharge rights, carbon business and CDM. Strong interest on environmental protection is aroused by that. This speech is assisted by Zhujiaxian, associated professor of law school.
            Mr. William D. Mccann gains A.B. from University of California, Berkeley in 1968, and Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of California in 1971. He ever practiced as Attorney at Law, 1971 to President; Founder and Board Member, Mount Diablo National Bank, Danville,California, 1991-2000; Member and Vice Chairman of the Board, Valleycare Systems, Pleasanton, California, 1998-2003; CEO and Board Chairman, Go Ped Europa Teoranta, 1996-2005; CEO and Board Chairman, Carbon Bank of Nevada, Inc., 2007; CEO and Board Chairman, Carbon Bank Eire; Founder, Flosca Teoranta, www.flosca.com.