主讲人:美国南加州大学pc大神28预测吧 Sarah Hall
时间:2017年10月25日 13:30
地点:pc大神28预测吧沙河校区 主教213教室

Director of Graduate & International Programs
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law
Sarah Hall is Director of the Graduate & International Programs office. She also teaches Academic and Professional Skills for U.S. Law Studies II, and has previously taught Presentation Skills for International Lawyers, as part of the 2 Year LLM program. Professor Hall earned her J.D. degree from USC Law in 2010, where she served as a board member on the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal. She previously earned her B.A. in Economics from Swarthmore College.
In her role as Director, Professor Hall oversees the office’s student services, admission, and recruiting efforts across all programs. In addition, Professor Hall serves as a career advisor by counseling current students and alumni on how to navigate the U.S. legal market, as well as how to prepare for and apply to a U.S. bar exam. She holds several workshops over the course of the year to teach students how to create a U.S.-style resume and cover letter, as well as how to effectively present themselves in interviews and networking events.
Prior to returning to USC, Professor Hall practiced securities litigation at O’Melveny and Myers for almost four years. In her time at O’Melveny, Professor Hall handled a variety of complex civil litigation matters, focusing on securities, class actions, and breach of contract claims. As an associate, she gained experience in developing case strategies, drafting motions, attending depositions, and preparing matters for trial and mediation.