美国哥伦比亚大学pc大神28预测吧是一所位于纽约市曼哈顿的世界一流pc大神28预测吧。哥大pc大神28预测吧将于2020年7月5日至7月24日举行为期三周的美国商法暑期课程(U.S.Business Law Academy)。该暑期课程专为接受过非美国法训练的学生设计,也向从业人员开放。课程提供苏格拉底式教学,以及有关LLM项目和美国法学毕业生就业策略的介绍。课程还包括由知名律师举办的以实践为导向的讲座、与其他课程参与者的互动活动,以及参观纽约的职业和文化场所。在2020年1月15日前提交申请的,可以获得提前申请折扣;在2020年2月1日前六名或以上集体申请的,可获得团体折扣。

"Introduction to U.S. Legal Institutions"
"Introduction to Mediation"
"U.S. Financial Law in an International Perspective"
"U.S. Corporate Law in an International Perspective"
Lunchtime practitioner presentations:
"The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"
"Commercial & Investment Arbitration"
Three weeks, from Sunday, July 5 through Friday, July 24, 2020
Columbia University, New York City
Foreign-trained law students and practitioners from around the world
$7,500 for tuition and housing (discounts for early applications and groups)
$5,250 for tuition only
Early Bird Discount:Candidates who submit an application by January 15, and then make a non-refundable deposit within two weeks of receiving notice of admission, will receive a $1,000 “Early Bird” discount on the balance due on their overall program fee.(If a Group Discount is also applicable, only the larger of the two discounts will be applied.)
Group Discount:If six or more applicants affiliated with the same institution all submit their applications by February 1, and inform Columbia Law School that they have organized themselves into a group, each will receive a $1,500 “Group Discount” on the balance due on their overall individual program fees. Other candidates affiliated with that same institution who apply after that date will not, however, be considered part of that group or receive a discount.